For reason's I will never understand, God allowed me to attend a NYC public high school with over 550 students in my graduating class who 20 years later are extremely united in efforts, causes, daily struggle and victories. At the end of 2010, we lost our sister Tarena Meaders to kidney cancer. We are currently watching our sister Lubabat battle breast cancer for just short of two years now. I wrote the follow letter to my classmates on Facebook and stated that I will also post my outcomes here on my personal blog. Even if you are not a member of the most amazing Class of 1988 or even attended MBHS, you are welcomed to join this cause. Thanks.
Our sister Lubabat has consistently been a warrior for peace, kindness and speaking the language of love in her daily life. Even while living with the challenges of Multiple Sclerosis and diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer in 2009, Lubabat never ceased her personal mission to bring a smile to someone’s face each and every day, especially through her Operation Smiley Face. (I proudly own a brown one she made for me in my favorite color.) One of the charitable movements that Lubabat is very active in is the 29 Day Giving Challenge. It’s an amazing movement. For 29 Days straight, you commit to giving something to someone. The gift of giving can come in the form of a material item, your time, advice, a listening ear, a random kind word, or anything from your heart. For 29 Days, you commit to journaling what you gave to the universe as well as chronicling what gift the universe gave to you that day. It is very simple. Just a sentence will do.
As I reflect on Lubabat’s current struggle, I would love to honor her by giving to the causes that mattered most to her. I am asking each of you to sign up and join the 29 Day Giving Challenge as a show of support for our sister Lubabat. As a collective movement of givers, let’s flood the universe with the example of strength, unconditional love and pure-hearted kindness that Lubabat demonstrated in her everyday living.
The link to the 29 day Giving Challenge is attached below. You can browse the site, learn more about the cause and read Lubabat’s incredible testimony of giving. There is no official start day. I will begin today, as I know the present is all that I am promised. I will make my journal available on the 29 Day Giving Challenge website, Facebook and my blog, for those who may simply want to witness for a while before joining. I am excited to follow Lubabat’s leadership and welcome you all join me.
Additionally, please pass this on to all members of our family that I could not include on this limited number of tags. Walk good.
In Struggle and Strength,
Your Sister,
Lubabat's Journal:
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